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Adventure Time Halloween costumes

We love dressing up as a family and the kids had these Adventure Time costumes planned out for at least six months. I think they worked out pretty great to be honest.
Adventure Time costumes

Adventure Time Halloween costumes

Just had to pop these here before I forget! We love dressing up as a family and the kids had these Adventure Time costumes planned out for at least six months. I think they worked out pretty great to be honest.

The Ice King’s (aka Simon aka Tom) nose was made out of an egg box and tissue paper. Just incase you fancy making your own adult Halloween costumes. The rest of our outfits were pretty simple. A bit of cardboard here and there and we pinned Jake the Dog’s face to Mabli’s hat so she could flip it up and down as needed.

We did end up buying a pink wig and a beard but we figured we can reuse them for other outfits down the line. I also tried to do my whole face in pink facepaint initially but it did not work out well. looked like I’d been boiled or badly sunburnt!

Adventure Time costumes

I think the kids were pretty chuffed with how our Adventure Time costumes turned out. We ended up getting lots of compliments on the night from teenagers (and from the guys at the pub!). It seemed like most families with younger kids hadn’t yet watched it. Pretty good going for cheap Halloween costumes.

Adventure Time costumes

It was so dark when we ended up going out (hi daylight saving hours!) so we couldn’t take any pics of us out together. However, I did manage to snap this rather terrifying picture of Tom as the Ice King.

Adventure Time costumes

Hope you guys all had a great Halloween. I’m not sure if it’s due to the past couple of years in various stages of lockdown but I love an excuse to celebrate these days!

You can see previous Halloween outfits here :

Wes Anderson Moonrise Kingdom outfits

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